Tuesday, 13 April 2011 - MASTER's HOUSE

** 1st day chaste **

Today was the last day of my visit to Master and it was time for me to return to college.  It was rather hard to leave Master early this afternoon for two reasons:  firstly, because - quite simply - i hate leaving Master; and two, because leaving Master met returning to my dissertation and the hard working reality of research!

i had a fantastic time with Master over the last six days and it was wonderful to be able to share such quality time with Master.  We managed to achieve quite a lot over the last six days:  attending an event, playing with another sub, various bondage sessions, eating out and shared experiences.  It was a really fantastic time.  i was even able to share in Master's enjoyment and happiness at having contact with someone from His past and it was lovely to see how much this communication meant to Master.

One of the things that i sometimes think that people underestimate or do not fully understand about Master-slave relationships is that although the relationships are very different and very unconventional when compared with other vanilla relationships, they are still very meaningful and very deep relationships.  Master and i share a bond in our relationship that matters a great deal to both of us.  We both enjoy the time and opportunities we share together and we both derive a great deal of comfort and pleasure from each other's company.

Although i have only seen Master for two visits now, i have spent more than 10 days in total with Master - rather intensively at that - and communicated with Master multiple times day a for almost two months now.  From the nature of our Master-slave relationships Master knows a great deal about me and i know a great deal about Him.  The strength of our relationship is that we have no need for secrets or double meanings and that is both refreshing and honest.

This is quite a simple blog post tonight.  i am back home now and am sad to be away from Master.  It is always hard when a visit comes to an end and it is also harder this time knowing that it will be some time until i see Master again.  But in adversity comes strength, and i know the separation is a powerful opportunity to strengthen the bond between us.

So this post does not finish on a "down note", here is a rather hot pic:


  1. Do you know when you will get to see him again?

  2. Most likely i will be able to see Master again in early May. We are both travelling overseas in April and i also have friends visiting. The earlier in May the better for me though!
